Public procurement


Procurement law

In the field of public procurement, we provide advice and assistance to companies or contracting authorities, including in cases before national or Union courts, regarding the application of the Directive 2014/24/EU on public procurement, and of the directive on procurement procedures by entities operating in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors (2014/25/EU), as well as the related implementing rules at national level.

We assist our clients in submitting complaints to the European Commission and in verifying the possible application of the exemptions envisaged for certain contracts. We also deal with “in house” contracts, ecological procurement, health services procurement, abnormally low tenders, public service companies, cross-border procurement and public-private partnerships.

We had the opportunity to investigate, among others, the sectors of health services, fairs and exhibitions, road tenders and waste disposal.

Some of our most significant experiences

In the field of procurement, the Firm has provided its assistance, inter alia, in certain cases before the EU Court of Justice in the field of health services contracts, public works and public service contracts.
The text of the relevant judgments is available on the website of the Court of Justice at the following link:

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The offices of the Firm are located on the first floor of a 1929 building in the “Beaux-Arts” style, a few steps from Rond Point Schuman, the heart of the European institutions.

To contact us you can send us a message to the above e-mail address by clicking on the icon.

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Since more than twenty years, our mission is to ensure the most effective and full protection of the rights and interests of our clients in European law, competition law and international trade law.

Our firm is a founding member of

a center of excellence in competition law, European law and international trade law which includes lawyers and university professors.